'Wish you were here' - neon and mosaic flag - available from Mauger Modern.
Susan Elliott is a Hastings based artist working with mosaic materials.
Recycled ceramic kitchen crockery, tourist mementos, novelty mugs and badges are woven into more traditional mosaic tesserae, creating multi faceted, jewel-like and iconic images.

Susan's work is currently available direct or from:
The Bowie Gallery - Devon UK http://www.thebowiegallery.co.uk
The Bugno Gallery - Venice Italy http://www.bugnoartgallery.com/
The Mauger Modern gallery - London http://www.maugermodern.com/artists/susan-elliott/
Strange Tracey - Sedelscombe https://strangetracey.com/
The Affordable Art Fair, London.
Battersea Park
17 - 21 October 2018
'Strange Tracey are delighted to be returning to The AAF Battersea for the 17th Year. London is always a favourite, come to the park and drop into see us we're on Stand H8.'

Frida Triptych
'The Spring Will Come' Borough Wines - Robertson Street Hastings
Private View thusday 15th November (7.00pm). Runs til Sunday 18th November and from 12 to 7pm (Sunday closes 4pm) SEE EXHIBITIONS FOR FULL DETAILS.

Link to original article and credits: http://www.terrysfabrics.co.uk/blog/2015/11/18/designer-insights-with-susan-elliott/